"Where There is No Vision the People Perish"
Proverbs 29:18a
The White Oak Missionary Baptist Church got its beginning in the year 1865, during an "Era of Turmoil", struggling for survival. Believing that Jesus said, "That where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them", these few gathered together and held its first Worship Service under a Brush Harbor. Some of our earlier leaders were: Rev. C.L. Hackney, Rev. J.H. Dunston, Rev. J.H. Caldwell and Rev. B.F. Hopkins. For fifty-seven years, the places of worship were crude. However, the religious fever of those determined Christians spread with such force that White Oak was a "Beacon of light" in the Community. The membership grew, the future began to brighten; thus plans were made to provide a more suitable place to Worship. John and Hettie Yates donated land and a simple wooden structure was built. On September 22, 1922, under the leadership of Rev. Sam Fuller, the Cornerstone was laid.
In 1923, the late Rev. James Stewart became our pastor. Under his spiritual leadership and believing that serving God would pay off after awhile, many Auxiliaries were organized: (Board of Trustees, Usher Board, Junior & Gospel Choirs, Male Chorus & Pastor's Aide). He was later inspired to remodel the old wooden structure to be bricked; new rooms and pews were added also. Forty six years of service gave him the distinction of having served the longest Pastorate in the history of this Church, thus far.
For a short while, the Church was without a Pastor. But God, being the good master that He is, sent us a Pastor. In 1968 the late Rev. Carlton T. Bellamy became Pastor and served us well during his Pastorate; continuing with the progress of the Church: (floors carpeted, organ purchased, First Aid area provided).
While God was still watching over White Oak, in February 1972, (with the help of the late Dr. O.L. Sherrill), God sent a Man Servant named "Charles R. Tyner, Sr.," to the White Oak Missionary Baptist Church. This young man at the age of 22 accepted the role as Pastor of this Church. Pastor Tyner came to us with a vision. He envisioned "A New White Oak Baptist Church." His teachings and leadership quickly inspired us to offer God our very best. Within one year, architectural plans were approved for the erection of a new structure, which would include educational and fellowship facilities. In July 1973, a Ground Breaking Ceremony was held for the new structure, and in March 1974, the contractors presented this structure to us.
Because we are BLESSED to have a man servant of God who believes in Spiritual and Physical Progress and because of our continued growth in membership, we have successfully completed the following: new pews were purchased and installed in 1976. In 1977, a second groundbreaking was held for the construction of our current Fellowship Hall which was ready by our Annual Homecoming in 1978. In 1981, four additional classrooms were added to accommodate our increased attendance for Sunday School.
"From the brush harbor to this beautiful edifice - it was nothing but FAITH and the GRACE of ALMIGHTY GOD."